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What is binary fission?

Binary fusion is the process of cell division which prokaryotic organisms use to reproduce, sometimes also referred to as prokaryotic fission. Binary fission is the method of reproduction for asexual life forms. There are 4 stages of binary fission which make up the process of cell division for prokaryotic life forms.

Why do prokaryotes use the process of binary fission?

A prokaryotic organism typically consists of a single cell. As such there are no cells that make up tissue, organs or organ systems which need to be replaced or regenerated. Additionally there is little to no differences in the genetic variation of a prokaryotic life form. Instead of functioning like a eukaryote where a myriad of cells work together to allow specialized functions, a prokaryote lacks these complexities. Typically prokaryotes will form a colony by linking with other organisms and creating a bio film as an added layer of protection and unification.

What are the stages of binary fission?

binary fission

The four stages of binary fusion are:

DNA Replication

Prokaryotes contain a single chromosome strand of DNA, initially this chromosome will replicate its self to prepare for generating the new cell or organism.

Cell Growth and Segregation

Next the DNA then attaches its self to the opposing poles of the prokaryote’s cell membrane and the cell membrane begins to expand.

Membrane Invagination

The cell membrane continues to expand and as the cell nearly doubles its self in size the membrane begins to collapse in on its self to prepare for the separation of the two daughter cells.

Division (Cytokinesis)

Division occurs when the parent cell finally splits off into two daughter cells followed by the process of cytokinesis where the cytoplasm is reproduced. During this process the parent cell splits into two almost identical daughter cells as the membrane collapses between the two poles where the chromosomes have attached and seals off the two new cells in separate entities.

Prokaryotic Reproduction

Prokaryotic reproduction is done asexually and does not allow the combination of chromosomes between two parents to offer genetic variation in these organisms. If the sexual reproduction process of these organisms does not contain genetic variation, then how can a prokaryote evolve? Does a prokaryote even evolve? Well the answer is yes, however it is done in a manner that is much more random than eukaryotes. These organisms can still produce unique variations through mutations which can occur in the process of binary fusion. These mutations are the form of genetic variation that allow bacteria and similar organisms to continue to adapt to the changing world around them.