Insight into quantum mechanics has become one of the forefronts of research in physics as it is recognized as an area that we possess little understanding of. One of the greatest difficulties in unraveling the mysteries of the quantum world is just having the ability to see it. The particles that physicists seek to study cannot be seen through even some of the most sophisticated microscopes traditionally used.
A process known as “phase shift” is currently used to detect the behaviors of quantum particles like protons which require sophisticated instruments to measure the movement and wave lengths of them. The movement of photons generates a noise that has been known to disrupt ultrasensitive tools used to measure their movements leaving physicists and engineers pondering how to attain the right balance to accurately observe these particles.

The key may be in applying theories of nonlinear physics to interferometers, which essentially superimpose electromagnetic waves to gather data on how other waves behave. The improved process of observing quantum particles could vastly expand the understanding of quantum mechanics in the near future. Despite the quest to improve methods of observing the particles that form the basis of quantum mechanics, a breakthrough has arrived for a collaboration of researchers called WASA-at-COSY with the discovery of a long searched for dibaryon.
These particles were once thought of as hypothetical because although their existence was predicted, they could never be observed by physicists. Quarks make up quantum particles and when grouped in pairs they form a Meson, grouped in threes they form a Baryon, but a Dibaryon occurs when two Baryons bond leaving two pairs of three quarks, or in other words, a six pack! These were believed to exist after the discovery of Tetraquarks which are essential two bonded Mesons.

Tetraquarks were recently discovered from the WASA detector combined with the COSY accelerator. By smashing atoms together tetraquarks were visible for fractions of a second and proved to be a very elusive particle to detect. Although the measurement was first observed in 2011, verifying that it was in fact an accurate measurement took several years as the experiment could not be repeated the same way. Nearly three years later however, physicists and engineers have found another experiment which has proved the existence of dibaryon particles to the scientific community.
Despite the verification of these measurements, it is still unknown by researchers whether this bond forms naturally in a single particle or instead as hadronic molecule, which consists of protons and neutrons engaging in a state of super excitement. The resonance detected has been named “d*(2380)” and further tests are already underway to gain enlightenment on the previous observations. Testing involves using deuterons, polarized heavy nuclei of hydrogen, shot at a proton which causes particles to scatter thus leading to the ability to detect the existence of the moving quantum particles.

Quantum mechanics is one of the studies of physics which has gained particular interest as scientist gain a greater understanding of the universe. Observations of phenomenon such as super massive black holes which were once thought to be fictional, have left a divide between astrophysics and quantum mechanics researchers. The correlation between the laws of physics on the macro scale and micro scale do not appear to be compatible with current theories of physics making the understanding of quantum mechanics an essential component in understanding how the universe was created.
Tags: engineers, physicists, quantum mechanics, quantum physics